At the end of many of my conversations that are about getting messages from a loved one who has passed away, the comment often comes; “Do you want to let me know that I love him or her?” This always touches me very much and not so much about the question itself, but because I always have to give the same answer; “Honey, you just said it and it was heard! That person is with you, not with me! ” Many “spirits” or deceased loved ones are already trying to make contact with you. This is something I am sure of. But not everyone is aware of this. We all know it, you hear a song on the radio that reminds you of those you miss so much and you need right at that moment! Or you walk through your house and suddenly smell a scent that immediately reminds you of that person! You can speak of coincidence, but I do not believe in coincidence. Coincidences are a coincidence. It is my conviction that we all have a link with each other, and that does not stop suddenly after someone has died. The link is energy. Energy is that which has always existed, never changes or disappears and will always be. Give your loved one the opportunity to be there for youAll you have to do is appreciate the life they have led, no matter how short, be thankful for it. How many years, how many months, how many minutes a soul may have been here on earth, that person was there and has been important and special to you. Let that special soul still fill your heart with love by feeling, knowing that you are alive and that you may still need and receive support and love. Medium readings can help you get in touch with a deceased loved one. Psychic medium readings can help you with questions you might still have. There is nothing better than connecting you with your loved ones on the other side. Do you find it scary to talk to a medium over the phone? There are other options, like connecting with an psychic medium over chat or get a psychic email reading. They always want to make sure that we can reach you in the way that is most comfortable for you. |